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Fireworks display needs some help from us

by Ken Johnston

Someone was doing their best to get a message across to the Rainy River Volunteer Fire Department Sunday night.
During the annual fireworks show Canada Day in Rainy River, someone else was lighting off fireworks in the eastern part of Hannam Park. The fire department launches theirs from the western part of Hannam Park.
For years it seemed the fireworks show has steadily declined in quality, which I am sure is not the fault of the fire department. Rising costs and less funding from the town and other sources has likely played a role in the show’s decline.
One problem with the local show that seems to antagonize the crowd even more is the length of time between bursts of fireworks. Unlike Baudette, there is a definite lag between bursts.
Perhaps more launching equipment is needed, I do not know. But the lag is definitely a downer for keeping the crowd pleased.
The people launching in the eastern part of the park kept firing off fireworks and had several bursts that were comparable and in some cases better than some of the official fireworks bursts. While their show was no where near the full caliber of the fire department’s it did hammer the point home that something needs to be done to improve the local show.
In Baudette they faced the same dilemma several years back and decided to start an active fund raising campaign to build a bigger and better show. They also have their entire show set up in advance and just have to go around and light them, with no delays.
Buttons are sold for $3 each and all the proceeds go to the fireworks show. People have overwhelmingly supported the fund raising drive and the results of their efforts have been one of the best fireworks displays in the region.
Personally I feel we need to help the fire department out. I for one love a great fireworks show. How about you?
–Until then,